SvenPad® Ultimate Edition
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IMAGINE A BOOK TEST WITH ONLY DRAWINGS. WITHOUT THE BOOK.$1.00 FROM THE SALE OF EACH PAD IS DONATED TO THE PEDIATRIC BRAIN TUMOR FOUNDATION (OVER $2000 DONATED SO FAR). AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH OR GERMAN EDITIONS! GERMAN EDITION INCLUDES GERMAN PDF INSTRUCTIONS + 3 ALTERNATE DRAWINGS FOR PHASE 3 + TEACHING VIDEO WITH JAN FORSTER! A MIND READING SHOW IN YOUR POCKET. SVENPAD® ULTIMATE EDITION IS UNLIKE ANY SVENGALI STYLE PAD. Comprised of over 70 unique "doodle drawings" in an infinite variety of combinations. With this revolutionary new pad, the Svengali long/short pages work in unexpectedly different ways that will make you smile. This SvenPad® is destined to become one of your favorite mind-reading utility devices, and should open new mind reading jazz possibilities, without the limitations of only a single force and printed words of a book. This pad BLENDS the use of IMAGES and WORDS to hide the workings in some new ways. THIS SVENPAD® OFFERS THREE DIFFERENT PHASES, and a variety of deeper methods under the hood. Using this pad will make it seem like you are literally inside each spectator’s head. Performers may choose to reveal the spectator’s thoughts in a variety of ways: Verbally, in writing, as a drawing duplication or (for Magicians) a revelation or a prediction. The first phase helps to hide the methods for the 2nd and 3rd phases. Reveal words. Reveal drawings. In fact, why not do both? The performer starts out far ahead, using a variety of powerful techniques. The origin story of this pad is written on the back - a fund raising doodle pad for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. Our tough criteria was still a pad that MUST look store bought, totally innocent.
All of the above is accurate. Cross our hearts. We have been pouring our minds and creativity into this ground-breaking utility tool for months now, and it will shatter the way you perceive SvenPads®. See with your own eyes and EXPERIENCE being fooled by the most unique SvenPad® we've yet made. After 3 months of testing with many of the worlds best performers, the Ultimate Edition is finally ready for your enjoyment. WELCOME TO OUR MOST ADVANCED SVENPAD®"I just got it. As with all Sven products the Ultimate Edition is top quality and an amazing effect on the other side. Thanks Brett Barry for all your innovation and hard work you put for the magic community." LIOR MANOR
"Strong and opaque. Highly Recommended. ROSS JOHNSON "In the right hands, "Ultimate Edition" will create some "Ultimate" miracles." SIDNEY FRIEDMAN "It’s fantastic!" JON ALLEN “I performed it for my team same day I received it, and it is a BIG fooler. Highly recommended.” DAVID MEADE “Brett has elevated the premise to allow for some really fun and impressive mind-reading. Highly recommended.” ERIC SAMUELS “Innovations take SvenPad® Ultimate beyond a utility device” CRAIG FILICETTI “SvenPad® Ultimate Edition is truly brilliant, a whole routine in your pocket.” PAUL MARTIN “You hit a grand slam with this one! For strolling, parlor, or small group performances, this is going to blow the audience away!” PETER DONELLO “So good! My mind has been racing with ideas.” JOSH ZANDMAN |